Legal information
1. Website of the society Eneo
- Name of the society : Eneo Immobilier
- Headquarters address : 2 avenue du Centenaire 73700 Bourg St Maurice FRANCE
- Commercial register : 443 350 764 RCS CHAMBERY
- Share capital : 8000 €
- Date of registration : 13/09/2012
2. Director of publication
Bruno Mercier
3. Responsible for drafting
Bruno Mercier
4. WebSite Editor
The site is published by the company Rodacom
- Rodacom
- Address : 26 rue Colonel Dumont - 38000 Grenoble
- Phone : 0 811 09 42 42
- RCS Grenoble
- SIRET umber : 445 267 693 00049
- VAT : FR 85 445 267 693
5. Website host
The site is hosted by the company Rodacom